Kingdom new lands ballista range
Kingdom new lands ballista range

kingdom new lands ballista range

Occurrences are infrequent and should be considered misfortunes of war. Piracy has been very much limited in the game. How are we to counter any pirate ships blockading our ports? Forts caused havoc among AI decision making or path finding. The AI mishandled their use and AI armies would often just stay within them at the expense of defending their true settlements. For similar reasons, Georgia was included to create some continuance between Central Asia (the Mongols) and the Anatolia (the Turks) region and to introduce another culture to the Outremer campaigns. Also, to create some pressure on Sicily and a religious threat on Rome and Europe. The Hafsids were included to create some continuance and opposing pressure on the corner factions, the Moors and Egypt. Why were the Hafsids ( Tunisia ) and the Kingdom of Georgia (Caucasus region) included ? Please note that units cannot venture into the Saharan desert regions of Africa and the lower Syrian Desert regions near Baghdad on the campaign map. The regions are now adjacently placed in a pattern easier for the AI to interpret and follow. The main fight is not in the lower desert region and not on the flow of army traffic along the Mediterranean coast. Why were some settlements rearranged or removed from the African regions? Only Generals (army) with movement bonuses are able to reach another settlement within range and within one turn. That is, it will require an army at least two turns to be able to reach and engage in a siege when moving from one settlement to another. An effort was made to place settlements or regions outside of a one movement turn siege strike, from settlement to settlement. Some settlements were repositioned or removed to reduce siege battles and increase field battles.

kingdom new lands ballista range

You added new settlements but also repositioned or removed some, why? The Crusading feature and victory conditions required an alternate solution to Jerusalem. To bring the Crusades and Crusading Order faction directly to the player. Why were the Papal States (Pope) omitted from the game ? If you prefer to have priests in game, please consult the OPTIONS folder in your BattleAxe download. They can be dealt with by using other means – assassins. Their occurrences are infrequent and should be considered misfortunes of war if they harass your region (temporarily). Heretics and Witches numbers have been limited in the game due to the varying campaign sizes. Where are the Inquisitors, Heretics, Witches, and Priests?


See the OPTIONS folder in the BattleAxe download on how to simply add them. Merchant income from resources has also been increased. Resources have been intentionally placed on every campaign map just in case players put them back in the game. Players can have merchants in the game if they enjoy this feature.

kingdom new lands ballista range

Removing them naturally sped the game up. ‘Resource gathering’ via merchants added to the movement chore. Why were Merchants omitted from the game? Players have the option to include ships in the game. BattleAxe maps were designed to facilitate intercontinental travel via new land bridges so beware. Also, the AI may mishandle naval production and invasions so it is preferred that they invest their income on land units and fight land battles - this is where the action is. BattleAxe is a stand and fight experience. From a losing stand point, players cannot sail away and abandon their homeland. It is far too easy for players to outmaneuver the AI and surprise attack, soft, far away targets. Why were naval units omitted from the game? Removing them dramatically reduced game turn time for both player and AI. Diplomats and princesses also added to the movement chore. Diplomacy and peace had no place in the spirit of BattleAxe. The aim of BattleAxe is to provide a challenging and “true” Total War experience. Please find below some information on the different features found in BattleAxe.

Kingdom new lands ballista range